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The young Lamerd, who lost his leg from the wrist due to an accident, was transferred to Valid Asr Lamard Hospital for five hours, according to the Fars News Agency, Fellowship of Surgery, and a member of the Academy of Surgeons.
Dr. Radmehr added that due to lack of joint and joint facilities of MCMC unit of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, the injured person was transferred to Dr. Mir Shiraz Hospital after an hour with a helicopter.
He argued that the operation of the grafting leg lasted 7 hours in order to keep the member alive.
Surgical fracture surgery and the member of the Academy of Surgeons continued: This complex and rare surgical procedure was performed successfully by performing washings, vascular and nerve transplantation, transplantation and muscle repair, and surgical ligation of major ligaments and skin restoration.
Dr. Radmehr said: Now, after five days, it is good for the patient to have a normal transplant.

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Ankle Bond in Shiraz

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